The two literary pieces that has been discussed by our instructor gives a great impact to us in which we were able to know and identify the differences and similarities of the two literary pieces.
The similarities of the Life of Lam -ang and the Legend of Magat River was it possesses the character of being a brave, strong and determined individual. As well as, they were able to fought for their love to the person whom they admire. It also render their challenging adventure. Of course, if there were similarities there were differences as well. The differences of the two is that in Life of Lam-ang there was a Divine interventions happened and also there animals were able to showed some magic tricks like what Lam-angs puppets did . While in Legend of Magat River there was no divine intervention happened and also there is this god whom they believed that it really exists.

In general, these two literary pieces give us an overview on how great writers the Filipino is and how sharp their mind is, to come up with these great writings of them. And also how they filled the literary piece with deep emotions that captures everyone's heart.
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